Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant

Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant - (Item #1616)

Despite his excellent overall condition this is a very early vintage Teak version of Kay Bojesen's Elephant designed circa 1951 with the simplest of all base markings on foot. Simply marked "Denmark", before the addition of the Kay Bojesen copyright and way before the more recent re-issues in oak. Until recently, this little guy had suffered from a medical issue involving his old hips leading to very loose legs (his hind legs had a tendency to fall out). Thanks to the advances in medical science and a non-invasive procedure he now has the fully pose-able joints of a much younger elephant.
Dimensions: 5-ins tall by 6-ins long (9-ins with trunk extended)
Condition: No damage with original patina. (Leg joint dowel friction returned with addition of thin layer of clear silicon rubber)
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Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant
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Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant Early Kay Bojesen Teak Elephant